Enterprise for Youth:
Climate Career Corps Redesign
When Enterprise for Youth transitioned to a new CEO, a brand refresh was deeply needed. As a youth-facing organization, we aimed to freshen up our brand and have it be more focused on our program and a bit cleaner. Our green program, Climate Career Corps, was part of that clean-up and redesign.

Climate Career Corps refreshed brand
Climate Career Corps old design
When Enterprise for Youth started focusing on inspiring youth to explore green careers, Climate Career Corps was born. Our program was fully devoted to helping young people find a passion for helping the environment. Because it was a green program, the brand branched off to cater to that audience.

Rebranding Climate Career Corps was a fun project, I wanted to ensure that it was clear that the Climate Career Corps was an Enterprise for Youth program. I did this by making our fonts consistent and bringing a cleaner look that celebrated the program and the people more than emphasizing the illustrations.